Yoga / Movement Coaching
I believe that when it comes to feeling better in your physical body, it's not what modality you choose, it's the mindset you approach it with. To move out of physical pain, you'll want to embrace these two principles:
A) love your body more (a.k.a respect and appreciate where it is now)
B) move purely (a.k.a move without compensation)
That's it.
Well, it's not exactly that simple - but that's the essence of it. And once you get it, the healing possibilities are endless. Which is why I teach these principles in all my classes, workshops and private sessions. I believe that mindset can radically change our bodies, our lives (like they have mine) and subsequently, our world. Here are some words that will give you more of a feel for my approach:
- it's a less is more way
- it's a subtle awareness way
- it's a be kind to yourself kind of way
- it's getting to know your unique patterns way
- it's an empowering way
It's a pioneering approach to movement and yoga, exercise and fitness. And I am honored to be able to share it with you. I have been practicing pure motion myself and with my clients for 10 years. I have seen it work enough to want to share it with everyone it resonates with. If that is you, from the bottom of my heart, WELCOME.
Session info:
- Choose a 75 or 90 minute session
- Sessions are done at either my house (downtown Eugene) or yours, you choose
Session pricing:
90 minutes = $135
75 minutes = $110
Package pricing available after first session
Are you ready for the next step?
Answer a few questions and Mandy will contact you to set up a free 40 minute phone consultation.

Personal Growth Coaching
You know how sometimes you want to make a change in your life, but you feel stuck...you feel more obstacles than you feel the excitement of new possibilities?
What if you could go visit a good friend who knew just the right questions to ask, and after talking with her, you'd see a way through your challenges. You'd feel more hope and possibility. You'd feel more calm and aligned with what you want. That's essentially what Personal Growth coaching feels like.
I will be that friend that will coach you through a fun, productive and stress reducing conversation with some energy balancing thrown in. The energy balancing amplifies whatever is brought up in the discussion and connects the dots between what is known and what is unknown/seen and unseen. It's like counseling on steroids. It's for people who know where they want to be and just need a little help with the "how." (Link to blog article later goes here). Here are a few ideas of topics you could bring to a coaching session:
- cure the malaise that sets in every time you say you're going to get organized
- allow the grief of a loss or failure to pass through, instead of sinking you
- reduce negative self talk
- end your obsession with Ben & Jerry's
- find the courage/clarity needed to move forward
I have been balancing these issues for myself and others for 5 years and I am blown away with the results. My passion for it makes me want to share it with everyone it resonates with. If that is you, from the bottom of my heart, WELCOME.
Private session info:
-Choose a 90 min or 2 hour session time
- Sessions are done at either my house (downtown Eugene) or yours, you choose
Private session pricing:
90 minutes = $135
​2 Hours = $155
Package pricing available after first session
Are you ready for the next step?
Answer a few questions and Mandy will contact you to set up a free 40 minute phone consultation.